orthodox black metal
Albums scraped2021-12-05T04:00:14.036Z
Last updated2021-12-12T19:15:17.378Z
Released at
99Funeral Mist - Darkness1995-08-22
44Leviathan - Scar Sighted1997
66Horna - Hiidentorni1997
85Funeral Mist - Devilry1998-07-30
9Михаил Круг - Мадам1998
100Insane Clown Posse - The Amazing Jeckel Brothers1999-05-25
36Watain - The Essence of Black Purity1999-10
17Михаил Круг - Владимирский централ1999
32Михаил Круг - Роза1999
76Katharsis - 6662000-02-13
58Clandestine Blaze - Fist of the Northern Destroyer2002
45Funeral Mist - Salvation2003-06-01
20Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux2003-11-03
56Tarkan - Dudu2003-12
4S.V.E.S.T. - Urfaust2003
19Nachtmystium - Nachtmystium2003
82Horna - Hidentorni2003
25Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice2004-02
59Clandestine Blaze - Deliverers of Faith2004-12-31
70Ondskapt - Dödens Evangelium2005-05-08
91Deathspell Omega - Kénôse2005-05-08
68Ondskapt - Dodens Evangelium2005-05-10
29Rebirth of Nefast - Only Death2006-12-07
79Leviathan - The Blind Wound2006-12-07
8Svartidauði - The Temple of Deformation2006-12
50Psalm 666 - Symbol ov Faith2006
93Glorior Belli - Manifesting the Raging Beast2007-06-19
37Azaghal - Omega2008-03-03
51Deathspell Omega - Manifestations 2000-20012008-03-20
96Subvertio Deus - Psalms of Perdition2008-08-00
49Funeral Mist - Maranatha2009-02-23
38Incursus - Eternal Funeral Trance2009-08-20
71Insane Clown Posse - Bang! Pow! Boom!2009-09-01
52Ascension - With Burning Tongues [Demo]2009-10-07
24Chaos Invocation - In Bloodline With The Snake2009-10-08
83Aosoth - Ashes of Angels2009-10-09
10Kerasphorus - Cloven Hooves at the Holocaust Dawn2010-02-02
43Ondskapt - Arisen from the Ashes2010-03-12
61Justin Bieber - My Worlds2010-03-22
95Asag - Feuer Zieh Mit Mir2010-04-28
28Anna Blue - So Alone2010
35A.M.S.G. - The principle of evil becomes the ideal of the Promethean2010
16Tukaaria - Raw to the Rapine2011-03-17
34Aosoth - III2011-04-22
64Cultes des Ghoules - Spectres Over Transylvania2011-07-18
53Mephorash - Opus Serpens2011
98Double Take - Hot Problems2012-04-18
27Chaos Invocation - Black Mirror Hours2012-05-18
60Ofermod - Thaumiel2012-10-26
77Sapientia - Through the First Sphere of Saturnus2012-11-23
63Balmog - Testimony of the Abominable2012
97Fathomhell - Non Pietatem Erit2013-02-01
47Watain - The Wild Hunt2013-08-16
22Throne of Katarsis - The Three Transcendental Keys2013-10-28
30Acherontas - Amenti - Ψαλμοί Αίματος και Αστρικά Οράματα2013
7Svartidauði - The Synthesis of Whore and Beast2014-03-07
94Mannveira - Von Er Eitur2014-03-10
89Precaria - Precaria Ex Humanitas2014-04-03
54Caïnan Dawn - Thavmial2014-04-25
5Schammasch - Contradiction2014-04-28
62Nefandus - Reality Cleaver2014-04-30
81Lutomysl - Превозмогая Вавилон2014-07-20
57Sinmara - Aphotic Womb2014-08-28
15Thy Darkened Shade - Liber Lvcifer I: Khem Sedjet2014-10-31
73Ascension - Deathless Light2014-10-31
14Hetroertzen - Exaltation Of Wisdom2014-11-27
33Acherontas - Ma IoN (Formulas Of Reptilian Unification)2015-02-27
42Acherontas - Ma-Ion (Formulas of Reptilian Unification)2015-02-27
55Aryan Art - Хармония - Вечност - Вселена2015-09-00
75Mortuus Umbra - Catechism2015-10-15
80Grey Heaven Fall - Черная мудрость2015-10-30
41Slidhr - Spit of the Apostate2015-11-02
2Batushka - Litourgiya2015-12-04
48Cantique Lépreux - Cendres Célestes2016-03-18
74Uada - Devoid of Light2016-04-08
6Naðra - Allir vegir til glötunar2016-04-10
87Schammasch - Triangle2016-04-29
13Behexen - The Poisonous Path2016-05-27
90Aosoth - IV / Appendixes2016-06-06
67Sheidim - Shrines of the Void2016-06-24
26Deus Mortem - Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead2016-09-30
31Deathspell Omega - The Synarchy of Molten Bones2016-11-08
86Antaeus - Condemnation2016-11-18
46Deitus - Acta Non Verba2016
92Svartidauði - Hideous Silhouettes Of Lynched Gods2016
23Acrimonious - Eleven Dragons2017-03-20
21Merrimack - Omegaphilia2017-06-09
88Sinmara - Within the Weaves of Infinity2017-07-23
84Sheidim - Infamata2017-09-15
72Asagraum - POTESTAS MAGICUM DIABOLI2017-09-29
39Aosoth - The Inside Scriptures2017-11-17
69Serpents Lair - Perpetual Hunger2017
65Balmog - VACVVM2018-03-09
40Chaos Invocation - Reaping Season - Bloodshed Beyond2018-03-10
78Arckanum - Första Trulen2019-04-26
3Батюшка - ПЕСНЬ 12019-05-26
11Батюшка - Панихида2019-05-26
1Blaze of Perdition - The Harrowing of Hearts2020-02-14
12Vi - De Praestgiis Angelorum2021-05-28